Title:Rampa de Penha / Rampa Demoporto-Penha (Rampa Expoclassicos)
Tracklength:2780 metres
Elevation change:179 metres (6,7%)
Altitude finishline:560 metres
GPS coordinates:41° 26′ 6″ – -8° 16′ 44.04″
Fastest Time:2:39,484 (2 runs)
Average Speed:125,50 km/h

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Rampa da Penha (Rampa Expoclassicos) – List of Winners
25-26/09/2010Antonio BarrosBRC CM05 EVO3:00,845Results
23-24/10/2010Antonio BarrosBRC CM05 EVO2:58,781Results
24-25/09/2011João FonsecaSilver Car3:01,008Results
22-23/10/2011Paulo RamalhoJuno SSE3:01,759Results
29-30/09/2012Pedro SalvadorJuno CN092:53,951Results
20-21/10/2012Tiago ReisNorma M20F2:55,605Results
27-28/04/2013Tiago ReisNorma M20F2:51,016Results
28-29/09/2013Pedro SalvadorJuno CN113:10,499Results
26-27/04/2014César RodriguezBRC B-492:59,156Results
20-21/09/2014Pedro CastañonJuno CN092:58,616Results
25-26/10/2014Rui RamalhoJuno SSE3:00,817Results
02-03/05/2015Rui RamalhoJuno SSE3:15,121Results
25-26/09/2015João FonsecaNorma M20 FC2:53,932Results
16-17/04/2016Pedro SalvadorNorma M20 FC3:08,302Results
08-09/04/2017Pedro SalvadorSilver Car EF102:39,484Results
07-08/04/2018Rui RamalhoOsella PA20003:15,246Results
06-07/04/2019João FonsecaSilver Car EF103:19,785Results

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The Penha hill (654m) is located above the historical city of Guimarães.
Guimarães is considered to be the birthplace of Portugal. It was near this place in 1128 that the troops of the County pf Portugal led by Count Afonso, defeated the Galician army. Thereby de facto gaining independence from the Kingdom of Galicia & Leon. Count Afonso later became the first King of Portugal and Guimarães the first capital of the new country.
Today the city is a booming cultural hotspot, being the cultural capital of Europe in 2012. It has many important art and history museums. The city is inscribed as a world heritage site for its many monuments that illustrate how Guimarães evolved from a small medieval town towards the modern city of today. Also not to miss is the 12th century castle.

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