Title:Bergrennen Mickhausen
Tracklength:2200 metres
Elevation change:76 metres
Altitude finishline:610 metres
GPS coordinates:48° 13′ 47.64″ – 10° 38′ 27.24″
Fastest Time:2:24,019 (3 runs)
Average Speed:164,98 km/h

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Bergrennen Mickhausen – List of Winners
09-10/10/2004Lionel RegalReynard 95D2:20,162Results
08-09/10/2005Lionel RegalReynard 95D2:42,150Results
07-08/10/2006Lionel RegalReynard F30003:21,083Results
06-07/10/2007Fausto BormoliniReynard 95D3:25,260Results
04-05/10/2008Jörg WeidingerOsella PA20/S BMW2:38,914Results
03-04/10/2009Lionel RegalReynard 01L3:17,986Results
02-03/10/2010Marcel SteinerOsella FA30 Zytek2:29,239Results
01-02/10/2011Simone FaggioliOsella FA302:24,019Results
06-07/10/2012Marcel SteinerOsella FA30 Zytek1:59,839Results
05-06/10/2013Christian MerliOsella PA20001:56,550Results
04-05/10/2014Simone FaggioliNorma M20 FC2:24,838Results
01-02/10/2016Romeo NüssliFord Escort Cosworth3:05,337Results
30/09-01/10/2017Marcel SteinerLobArt LA01 Mugen1:45,960Results
05-06/10/2019Eric BerguerandLola FA992:35,427Results

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Mickhausen is a small town in Bayern. It is currently the southern most Hillclimb in Germany.
Mickhausen lies in the south of the Naturpark Augsburg – Westliche Wälder. The southern area is also called the Stauden. This naturepark is characterised by long hillsides and small streams in a north-south direction. The landscape was formed in the ice-ages. During those times the glaciers at one time retreated, leaving sediment, while another time advanced again, pushing everything forward. The naturepark can easily be spotted on a map, as a green wedge roughly framed by the Donau in the north, the Mindel in the west and the Wertach in the east. The name Naturpark Augsburg – Westliche Wälder describes it pretty good. Some 45% of the Park is forested, mostly the hillsides. The rest is primarily used for agriculture. It lies west of Augsburg and is lightly populated. The naturepark center is in Oberschönenfeld Abbey some 15km to the northwest of Mickhausen.
Augsburg (30km from Mickhausen) is one of the oldest cities in Germany. Its origin can still be discovered in the city’s name, as it was founded by emperor Augustus in 15 BC. Augsburg is in an important geographical location as it is build at the confluence of three rivers; Lech, Wertach and Singold. The central place in Europe on the major trading routes guaranteed that Augsburg has always been a wealthy city. Augsburg became a free city in 1276 and retained that status until 1803. How wealthy the city became during that time can be no better witnessed than in the Town Hall build in 1615. Although the town hall was destroyed in the war, it is completely restored and especially the Golden Hall is as impressive as ever. The rich families in Augsburg not only build to impress. The oldest social housing project in the world can be found here. The Fuggerei, named after the Fugger family who founded it, is a small walled enclave in the city. People still live in the houses for the original rent of one guilder (less than one euro!) per year. Tourists can also visit but they have to pay 4 euro to enter. Augsburg has many important art museums, especially in Renaissance art and Barock art.

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