Calendar of the Czech Republic Hillclimb Championship.

Calendar of the Czech Republic Hillclimb Championship.
Results of the Race Cars Show on the Automotodrom Brno, a round of the Maverick Rescue Euro Cup.
Results of the Vírské serpentiny, a round of the Maverick Rescue Euro Cup.
Results of the Divácká 13 Hillclimb, a round of the Czech Hillclimb Championship and the Maverick Rescue Euro Cup.
Results of the Ústecká 21 near Ústí nad Orlicí, the final round of the International Hillclimb Cup. Sébastien Petit, Peter Ambruz and Karel Trneny are the new champions. Complete final points standings will follow later. The Ústecká 21 Hillclimb also counted towards the European Historic Hillclimb Championship and the national championships of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Results of the Albrechtický kopec, also known as the Lanškroun Hillclimb, a round of the Maverick Rescue Euro Cup.
Results of the Dobšinský kopec, 8th round of the European Hillclimb Championship. The race also counted towards the national championships of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Results of the Slovácký kopec near Násedlovice, part of the Maverick Rescue Euro Cup.
Results of the Ecce Homo Hillclimb near Šternberk, part of the European Hillclimb Championship. The event also counted towards the national championships of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Results of the Zámecký vrch near Námešt nad Oslavou, a round of the Czech Republic Hillclimb Championship and the Maverick Rescue Euro Cup.